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Clowns In The City End Tonight


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Why did those group of City 'fans' feel it necessary to spend most of the second half berating the rest of the City faithful?

Instead of aiming their pathetic songs at those of us that travel hundreds of miles most weeks to follow City, they'd have been better off channeling their vocal support towards the players. What kind of message does it send out to the players when the City end are singing songs at each other.

I'm ok with 'Sing your hearts out for the lads' and 'stand up if you hate the gas' but 'part-timers, part-timers' and 'are you gasheads in disguise'??

Do me a favour, those involved looked very stupid tonight.

Own up then.

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Guest routabout
Why did those group of City 'fans' feel it necessary to spend most of the second half berating the rest of the City faithful?

Instead of aiming their pathetic songs at those of us that travel hundreds of miles most weeks to follow City, they'd have been better off channeling their vocal support towards the players. What kind of message does it send out to the players when the City end are singing songs at each other.

I'm ok with 'Sing your hearts out for the lads' and 'stand up if you hate the gas' but 'part-timers, part-timers' and 'are you gasheads in disguise'??

Do me a favour, those involved looked very stupid tonight.

Own up then.

What complete and utter idiots! mad.gif There is NO justification for that.

My guess is either they were up for a scrap (possibly just louts and not City fans at all)

Or they were of that small group of ELITIST "I AM A MORE LOYAL FAN THAN THOU" bigot brigade.

Either way, idiots!

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Yes it went along the lines of "Stand up if you love City" and then shouting stand up! when other City fans didn't follow this request. And I'm getting a bit old for too much singing these days, but I don't need to be told off for it by people who have been supporting City for a fraction of the time I have.

Did anyone see the policewoman? She was a dead ringer for Rachael Stevens!

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Ok another loss away and we'll all have our rant but we are still CITY FANS and need to follow our HEARTS which is still CITY. I feel we need to get someone in fast but! we can't rush it because a rush job is not always a good job. So ok get your rants over wide and lets get on with what we do best an get behind our team and help them pull us out of this problem we are in now and get back to what we do best and that is winning WE CAN DO IT!!!! and WE WILL DO IT. come on my fellow CITY FANS shout your hearts out!!!!




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I was sat right behind them. They were mainly youngsters, with a sprinking of older blokes reliving their youth. They didn't watch much of the match, but just stared at the Forest fans and then later the City fans. One bloke shouted at them to shut up and said that he didn't have to sing, especially watching 'this cr@p'. He got a round of applause.

I spend a fortune and a lot of time following City, but I don't want to have to constantly stand up every time someone sings 'stand up if you hate the gas', etc.

You know it's a bad time when fans turn on each other.

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I too was mystified by their behaviour. Congratulations to the muppets for what is the most pathetic song I've ever heard. Even more pathetic because it was sung by City fans AT fellow City fans...

We've got sore throats, we've got sore throats,

you haven't, you haven't.

What the hell was all that about?


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Might aswell admit it

I'm the bloke blue jacket, jumpin about..

All i can say to you fans is, WHERE WERE YOUR VOICES!!! you were silent WHOLE 2nd half!


Openly admit i was in the group of 20 that didnt stop singing my heart out for the 90 mins and getin behind OUR team, you think sat there in silence is going to help the team? NO!

Sorry but i thought half of fans didnt even try get behind our team


I have FULL respect for you people that went up tonight.

Also thought stewards Were terrible 2nite!

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don't 4get friar tuck and robin hood!

Its banter, at least we were having a laugh tonight, we made our night good just because we lost doesnt mean to say we cant enjoy ourselfs!

Just a post to all of you that don't like this..


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Sorry but i thought half of fans didnt even try get behind our team

Also thought stewards Were terrible 2nite!

Everyone I could see was getting behind the team. Just because some people don't stand up for the 90 mins and think they are great doesn't mean the rest of us don't support our team. After travelling a 6 hour round journey to see that crap is any wonder that by the end not everyone was as enthusiastic?

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Maybe people wernt enthusiastic but at least we created an atmosphere in the ground and didnt keep our end silent!

Answer me this..

Take away us 20 fans that sang all game.. and how many people sang and gave there support?

Silence, what did we want to do? sit and watch city being out played or make a laugh out of it and enjoy ourslefs.


I don't care how much people want to abuse or have ago at us, i had a good night even though we lost, going away is about having fun so we did it

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Maybe people wernt enthusiastic but at least we created an atmosphere in the ground and didnt keep our end silent!

Answer me this..

Take away us 20 fans that sang all game.. and how many people sang and gave there support?

Silence, what did we want to do? sit and watch city being out played or make a laugh out of it and enjoy ourslefs.


I don't care how much people want to abuse or have ago at us, i had a good night even though we lost, going away is about having fun so we did it

No one wants o abuse you for singing! I'm just saying its unfair to have a go at those for not standing up and singing throughout the game. We paid our money and travelled a long way to watch that crap tonight.

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Yeh i understand that.. but when your abit cidered up, and were losing it gets frustrating, so we made our point of the other fans not singing and that was end of it..

Still think we all should have carried on the congo though!

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we made our night good just because we lost doesnt mean to say we cant enjoy ourselfs!

Exactly, and the people who didnt want to join in these songs which you may have found amusing (I personally don't), were also enjoyng the football the way they do and didn't need your judgement and abusive songs.

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It wasn't really 'banter' though was it!

Some of the group you were with were shouting abuse at fellow City fans, don't try and turn it around the other way!

'##### sing!' '##### stand up you bunch of gasheads' is all I could hear coming out of your mouths for most of the second half.

If you want people to join in and sing with you then thats the last thing you should be doing.

Singing 'part-timers' at 600 odd away fans who've travelled miles on a Tuesday night?! That's idiotic in anyone's book.

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Might aswell admit it

I'm the bloke blue jacket, jumpin about..

All i can say to you fans is, WHERE WERE YOUR VOICES!!! you were silent WHOLE 2nd half!


Openly admit i was in the group of 20 that didnt stop singing my heart out for the 90 mins and getin behind OUR team, you think sat there in silence is going to help the team? NO!

Sorry but i thought half of fans didnt even try get behind our team

Also thought stewards Were terrible 2nite!

Doesnt surprise me you were one of them tbh

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Guest routabout

Oh well, another one added to the 'ignore list'. I'm building up quite a collection here.

Sorry Benerz, but taunting fellow supporters is unjustifiable. In your initial confession to being part of this group of idiots, you referred to yourself as the 'bloke blue jacket, jumping around'. I feel I must correct you there. A bloke is a term used to refer to a man. At 17 and with your behaviour and attitude, I regret to inform you that you are in fact a boy. A very silly little boy. Grow up and until you do, keep your inane rubbish to yourself, eh?

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Was u sat with us?

No, not with you. But close enough to hear all the abuse you were giving City fans. And in ear-shot of the justifiable abuse you got back.

Just a tip, if you can't handle your drink then in future leave the poison alone. Believe me you all looked like mugs tonight.

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Sorry Benerz, but taunting fellow supporters is unjustifiable. In your initial confession to being part of this group of idiots, you referred to yourself as the 'bloke blue jacket, jumping around'. I feel I must correct you there. A bloke is a term used to refer to a man. At 17 and with your behaviour and attitude, I regret to inform you that you are in fact a boy. A very silly little boy. Grow up and until you do, keep your inane rubbish to yourself, eh?

Here Here, well said.

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Oh well, another one added to the 'ignore list'. I'm building up quite a collection here.

Sorry Benerz, but taunting fellow supporters is unjustifiable. In your initial confession to being part of this group of idiots, you referred to yourself as the 'bloke blue jacket, jumping around'. I feel I must correct you there. A bloke is a term used to refer to a man. At 17 and with your behaviour and attitude, I regret to inform you that you are in fact a boy. A very silly little boy. Grow up and until you do, keep your inane rubbish to yourself, eh?

Thanks doesnt bother me at all mate

Want to call me an idiot call me one you just another one on the list

I love city as well as the people i went with, maybe if you stopped complaining at how badly the players played..You might be able to lighten up and join in, if not, go back to making to boring old posts about which manager was at the forest game watching city


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